Biggest joy in life

Ikdem Ben Mbarek
2 min readNov 15, 2020


If someone asks you: “What is your biggest joy in life?”, you may think of many answers for it. But if I’m asked about it, my answer would be: “When you see your seed grow, when you taste its fruits”.

I’m gratefull for my students of the fifth cohort of ReBootKamp Tunisia for giving me the chance to live that moment yesterday.

For those who don’t know, I currently work as a Technical Mentor in a coding bootcamp in Tunisia called RBK. I don’t have any idea how I ended up working in that position, maybe the least thing I was thinking of when I got my diploma a year ago. Yet, I’m so grateful to be doing this everyday. Don’t call me “Technical Mentor”, call me “Life mentor” instead. I found myself not only teaching Fullstack JavaScript development to my students, but also sharing with them lessons of life, motivating them, incepting inside of them a new mindset, and helping them with their personal issues and weaknesses.

For almost 4 months, I’ve been spending my days mentoring some phenomenal young people, each of them with a whole different backstory, surrounded by an amazing team of instructors and coordinators.

Four months of hard work, dozens of projects, hundreds of technical and soft skills lectures, thousands of having hours, and countless sleepless nights. All of that, for one moment of gratitude and pride, for one picture with my happy students on their graduation. Yesterday was the day I felt that, was the day I took that picture. All that pain, all that stress, was completely diminished in one single moment. That’s why, my dear students, I’m grateful.

For all those who are mentoring some young people, please, be kind, be patient, and be close to your students. You have no idea what each one of them is going through. Listen to them and support them through everything. That’s the only way to make them believe in you and TRUST you. That’s the only way you’ll feel the joy and satisfaction I felt.

To all the fresh graduates out there, it’s only the beginning for a way bigger journey, live the journey fully. Don’t freak out. Don’t rush. And most importantly, remember that there are infinite paths to seek, so don’t lose hope and try infinitely.

Stay safe ✌️

